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artificial person 【法律】法人[團體、學校、公司等]。

The responsibility of the moral injury compensation consists of four factors : the tort , the injury fact , the causality between the tort and the fact and the infringer “ s subjective trespass . the natural person enjoy the right of request for moral injury because of the damage of personal right . the topic , how to determine the subject position of the artificial person , the vegetable person and the disable person is discussed in this paper theoretically 精神損害賠償責任的構成要件由侵權行為、精神損害事實、侵權行為與精神損害之間有因果關系、行為人主觀上有過錯等四個方面構成。自然人因人身權遭受非法侵害,享有精神損害賠償請求權,法人、植物人及喪失行為能力的精神病人的主體地位如何,本文從理論上進行了探討。

The classification and non - currency of the state stocks and artificial person ' s stocks are the unique equity ownership structure phenomena of chinese capital market , which resulting in the imperfection of the artificial person management system and “ inter - persons control “ , and making the state - owned stocks lessening necessary 國家股、法人股的分類與不流通是我國資本市場的特有股權結構現象,它所導致的上市公司法人治理結構不完善和“內部人控制”等諸多問題使國有股減持成為必要。

Part three : through the analyses we can comprehend that how do the structure of propriety rights influence the economic growth , explained artificial persons “ inter - holding and the main bank system how to affect the economic system in positive and negative aspects 第三部分:分析日本公司治理模式中所有權結構對日本經濟造成的影響,即相互持股與主銀行制對日本經濟產生的積極與消極作用.第四部分:分析日本公司治理模式的走向與改革趨勢

In the part , we have analyzed the forms and the inevitability of the artificial persons “ inter - holding , and define the conception of main bank and explained the reciprocal effect between the banks and the corporations 分析相互持股的形式與存在的必然性,對主銀行在概念上進行了厘定,以及闡述銀企關系的互動。

The structure of propriety rights is consisted of two parts : artificial persons “ inter - holding and the main bank system 所有權結構分為兩個方面:法人相互持股和主銀行制

A company is regarded by the law as a person : an artificial person 公司被法律視為“人“ ,一個擬制人

artificial reality

The responsibility of the moral injury compensation consists of four factors : the tort , the injury fact , the causality between the tort and the fact and the infringer “ s subjective trespass . the natural person enjoy the right of request for moral injury because of the damage of personal right . the topic , how to determine the subject position of the artificial person , the vegetable person and the disable person is discussed in this paper theoretically 精神損害賠償責任的構成要件由侵權行為、精神損害事實、侵權行為與精神損害之間有因果關系、行為人主觀上有過錯等四個方面構成。自然人因人身權遭受非法侵害,享有精神損害賠償請求權,法人、植物人及喪失行為能力的精神病人的主體地位如何,本文從理論上進行了探討。

Ganzhou government strictly executed the national policy and yearly plan for tungsten concentrate producing by adopting measures of managing tungsten quota , controlling the supply of detonator materials , approving the confidential of artificial person and controlling the output strictly 贛州還認真執行國家下達的鎢精礦年度開采計劃,采取鎢精礦生產配額管理、公安部門批供火工產品、礦產資源管理部門辦理準運手續等措施,嚴格控制生產總量,做到了鎢精礦產量6年多來逐年穩中有降。

Firstly , ownership concentration should be kept properly in chinese listed companies and the shareholding percentage of large shareholders should be declined to achieve ownership control . secondly , decrease the percentage of state - owned shares by means of selling them to artificial persons . problem of the absence of the available state - owned shareholders should be solved as soon as possible 根據以上結論,本文提出四點建議: ( 1 )保持一定程度的股權集中,同時通過降低第一大股東持股比例形成股權制衡; ( 2 )以法人股東受讓的方式減持國有股,解決國有股有效持股主體缺位的問題; ( 3 )提高流通股比例與大力發展機構投資者相結合,引導機構投資者參與公司治理; ( 4 )進行經營者持股的制度創新,充分發揮其激勵作用。

According to the project that the comprehensive nuclear - test - ban treaty organization ( ctbto ) is building ims , the institute of geophysics , china seismological bureau ( igcsb ) was designated to be the artificial person and undertaker of lanzhou array building project permitted by relevant ministry in china 中國是ctbt締約國之一,根據全面禁止核試驗條約組織( ctbto )建立ims的計劃,經我國有關部委批準,中國地震局地球物理研究所作為蘭州臺陣建設項目的法人和總承建單位。

This thesis , from the angle of project artificial person , has studied the economic evaluation of project of auto center construction and let it independent from common engineering projects . so this kind of evaluation method conforms more to the characteristics of the projects of auto center construction and made the evaluation result more scientific and reliable 本文從項目法人的角度,對汽車城建設項目經濟評價進行研究,將汽車城建設項目經濟評價從一般工程項目中獨立出來,使評價方法更符合汽車城建設項目的特點,評價結果更具有科學性和可靠性。

Secondly , ownership control is an important way to restrain the act of plundering conducted by large shareholders while protecting the rights of minority shareholders . thirdly , compared to the inefficiency of state - owned shares and negotiable shares , the percentage of shares held by artificial persons is positively related with corporate performance . fourthly , interior shareholding has little stimulant effect on executive of corporate 目前中國上市公司的股權結構具有以下特征: ( 1 )股權高度集中, “一股獨大”現象嚴重; ( 2 )股份按照投資主體被劃分為國家股、法人股、社會公眾股,其中占總股本約2 3的國家股和法人股不可流通; ( 3 )內部人即公司高級管理人員持股數量少、持股比例低; ( 4 )機構投資者規模尚小,總體持股比例較低。

The reforming of chinese oil industry system faces to a lot of foundamental administrative problems . it is a long time influence that chinese government intervenes oil industry by planned economy , corporation ( enterprise ) has really high depends on government . modem enterprise system has not established , and so does the artificial person system adapting to international rule 中國石油工業在體制改革上面臨著諸多深層次的問題,長期以來受計劃經濟的影響,政府對企業經營干涉太多,企業對政府依賴太強,沒有建立起符合市場經濟要求的現代企業制度,沒有適合與國際接軌的法人治理結構。

This thesis first expatiates systematically on the economic evaluation theory of common engineering projects , from the angle of project artificial person , studying and probing into the economic evaluation principles , contents and index system of the projects of auto center construction by combining with its characteristics 本文首先對一般工程項目經濟評價理論進行了系統的闡述,結合汽車城建設項目的特點,從項目法人的角度,研究探討了汽車城建設項目的經濟評價原則、內容和指標體系。

First . a brief analysis of the characters of the making - up of the labor and capital - owner and their adjusting difficulty is made . second , according to the historical processes of the harmony between the labor and capital - owner , a detailed analysis of the causes of formation and its disadvantages of some actions and systems , such as right , profits , contract system , stock system , annual - pay system , futures system , taken to harmonize the relationship between the labor and capital - owner is made with the practical operation of the property of the artificial person as its breakthrough to adjust and harmonize the relationship between the management and workers 把研究重心縮小到公有企業,首先對公有企業勞、資關系的構成特點及協調難點進行了簡要分析,然后結合我國公有企業勞、資關系協調的歷史進程,分別對放權讓利、承包制、股份制、年薪制、股票期權制等幾種改革形式協調公有企業勞、資關系的缺陷及成因進行了剖析,在此基礎上提出把企業法人財產權的具體操作作為協調公有企業勞資關系的突破口。

The classification and non - currency of the state stocks and artificial person ' s stocks are the unique equity ownership structure phenomena of chinese capital market , which resulting in the imperfection of the artificial person management system and “ inter - persons control “ , and making the state - owned stocks lessening necessary 國家股、法人股的分類與不流通是我國資本市場的特有股權結構現象,它所導致的上市公司法人治理結構不完善和“內部人控制”等諸多問題使國有股減持成為必要。

Our company develops the chief agent in the area by province , the step of making of the exclusive chief agent s qualification of each province is as follows : a . provide that the company does business the license and the tax is registered the evidence and namely person artificial person represents identification card all for duplicates part or facsimile part passablely 三區域總代理商我公司以省為單位發展區域總代理商,每個省獨家總代理商資格的取得步驟如下: 1提供公司營業執照稅務登記證法人代表身份證驗看原件后留復印件或者傳真件即可。

Part three : through the analyses we can comprehend that how do the structure of propriety rights influence the economic growth , explained artificial persons “ inter - holding and the main bank system how to affect the economic system in positive and negative aspects 第三部分:分析日本公司治理模式中所有權結構對日本經濟造成的影響,即相互持股與主銀行制對日本經濟產生的積極與消極作用.第四部分:分析日本公司治理模式的走向與改革趨勢

Enhancing supervision and strengthening enterprise ' s internal financial control are the important methods for establishment of modern enterprise system and consummating of artificial person management construction , trend of advancement of community and development of economy 加強監督、強化企業內部財務控制,是促進現代企業制度的建立和完善企業法人治理結構的重要措施,也是社會進步、經濟發展的必然趨勢。